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Setiap layanan perawatan paliatif harus memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan di prinsip dan praktik perawatan paliatif untuk perawatan kesehatan lainnya profesional. Ini adalah keharusan etis.

• ini harus direncanakan sejak awal
• terlalu sering dibiarkan sampai setelah kerja klinis dan anggaran ditetapkan

In planning an outreach education program
! set up a committee to oversee the educational work of the unit (e.g.
palliative care doctor, nurse tutor, local GP, hospital specialist, all with
an established interest in palliative care and some experience of
! be clear what the palliative care unit can offer in terms of time and
available expertise
! cater for all groups, not just doctors
! discuss perceived needs with the groups
! always obtain feedback after all teaching sessions
! involve local colleges and teachers, especially for topics about which the
palliative care unit does not have expertise
! provide coverage of all aspects of palliative care, not just pain control
! don’t expect it to generate income
! use all available teaching techniques and models including didactic,
discussions, role play, case studies, patient-led, journal club, film and
! where it is available and not too expensive, consider video-conferencing
! each palliative care service must design its own model for education,
appropriate to local needs and local resources, in co-operation with
other providers, be they universities, colleges, other palliative care units,
governments or charitable agencies
! use modern technology if it is available but do not assume that it replaces
a gifted teacher
! keep the teaching simple
! palliative care need not be made to sound sophisticated to be worthwhile
! principles are more important than the minutiae

• jika sumber daya terbatas, kelompok profesional mana yang harus diberi prioritas untuk pendidikan dan pelatihan?
• prioritas hanya dapat diputuskan secara lokal, tetapi
     o agar perawatan paliatif berhasil, para dokter harus dimenangkan dan berikan                   dukungan antusias mereka
     o semakin muda dokter dan perawat ditawari pelatihan, itu perubahan lebih cepat             terjadi dalam praktik perawatan paliatif lokal

Terjemahan dari:
The IAHPC Manual of Palliative Care
3rd Edition (

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